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10 Month Old Sleep Schedule

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A headshot of Cara Dumaplin

Article by:

Cara Dumaplin

RN, BSN, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

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10 month old baby girl with dark skin tone and tiny pigtails crawling towards camera with tongue out

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So much is happening for your ten month old. You’ve probably noticed that your baby is moving around so much more these days. This is an exciting age, and I would love to share with you some of the most commonly asked questions I get about ten month old schedules, regressions, milestones, and more!

The 524 Month Collection

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My 5-24 Month Collection will give you a customizable, step-by-step plan to help your 10 month old sleep independently for 10-12 hours overnight and take restorative naps while remaining emotionally connected. I’ll give you the tools you need to handle developmental progressions, separation anxiety, and any other bumps along the way.

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What are the wake windows for a 10 month old baby? anchor

At 10 months old, wake windows are typically 2.5-3.5 hours. Wake windows generally start on the shorter end of the wake window range and increase to the top of the range as the day goes on. Additionally, babies closer to 11 months may start to be on the longer end of the ranges as well.

A daily routine for a 10 month old could look like this: 

  • About 2.5–3 hours after Wake Time = Nap 1

  • About 3 hours after the end of Nap 1 = Nap 2

  • About 3-3.5 hours after the end of Nap 2 = Bedtime

10 Month Sleep Schedule Guidelinesanchor

Every baby is unique and your little one’s day will depend on when your baby wakes, how long your baby naps, and individual cues. These age-appropriate guidelines are not intended to be a rigid schedule, simply a guide for setting up a flexible routine. 

Daytime Feedings: Every 2.5-3.5 hours

Goal Daytime Sleep: 2.5-3.5 hours

Sweet Spot Bedtime: 7-8 pm

Number of Naps: 2

Wake Windows: 2.5-3.5 hours

For more details on these recommendations, keep reading. 

What is a sample schedule for a 10 month old baby?anchor

 I'd love to show you what a day might look like for a ten month old. Please keep in mind this is an example of what your day could look like while you're following those wake window guidelines. Your day may start earlier, naps may be different lengths than those listed below, and your baby may need feedings closer together or further apart. Again, this is just how one day could play out.

10 month old sample sleep and feeding schedule
Text version of 10 month old sample schedule table
Time Activity
7:00 am Wake
7:10 am Feeding (breast/bottle)
8:00 am Breakfast (solids)
9:50 am Feeding (breast/bottle)
10:00-11:30 am Nap 1
12:50 pm Feeding (breast/bottle)
1:30 pm Lunch (solids)
2:30-4:00 pm Nap 2
4:00 pm Feeding (breast/bottle)
5:00 pm Dinner (solids)
6:45 pm Feeding (breast/bottle)
7:30 pm Bedtime

How many naps should my 10 month old baby take?anchor

At 10 months, babies typically nap two times per day totaling 2.5-3.5 hours. Ideally, each individual nap is longer than one hour but no longer than 2 hours. This:

Thinking 2.5-3.5 hours of daytime sleep sounds like a dream? I can help. If your baby is only taking short naps, my Conquering Naps class can help get your baby’s naps on track. 

Bonus Tip for Daycare Parents: If your baby is in daycare and daycare naps are a struggle, my blog Daycare & Baby Sleep can help. 

What are some developmental milestones for a 10 month old baby? anchor

Around ten months of age, you may observe your baby begin to: 

  • Throw an object

  • Look around for a hidden sound

  • Start cruising around on furniture

  • Show an increase in independence (wanting to hold utensils during mealtimes, holding bottle, etc)

  • Start pointing at people and objects

  • Use gestures (waving, pointing, shaking head “no”)

  • Develop new play skills (objects in/out of containers, stacking, etc)

You may also notice an increase in separation anxiety for your 10 month old as they are maturing in their understanding of object permanence. 

Each milestone can be so exciting, but please know these milestones are based on age ranges, and every baby develops at their own pace. If you have any concerns about your baby’s development, please speak with your pediatrician.

What are some fun activities for my 10 month old? anchor

You may notice that your ten month old is showing signs of increased mobility and awareness of the world around them. If you're wondering what activities you can do with your ten month old, here are a few ideas: 

  • Promote mobility for your 10 month old by: 

    • Encouraging crawling through a play tunnel 

    • Rolling balls and allowing baby to crawl after them

    • Practicing pulling up on furniture

  • Make music together! You can use objects around your house, like bowls and spoons, as instruments. Interactive songs like “Itsy, Bitsy Spider” and “Wheels on the Bus” are also entertaining for baby.

  • Take a tour of your home and practice naming different objects you see.

  • Get outside! Observe your baby to see if they are turning towards any hidden sounds, like a dog or bird, and talk about that sound, “Hear the dog say ‘woof’?”

  • Sensory play is great at this age! Try filling shallow storage bins with different textured materials like oats, beans, or shaving cream. Do this in the tub or outside if you’re mess-adverse. (Please be sure to closely supervise your baby with this activity.)

I have some favorite toys for a 10 month old here

How much solid food should a 10 month old eat? anchor

There's no universal answer for exactly how much solid food a ten month old should eat. Keep this in mind: At ten months, breast and bottle feeding should remain the main source of calories, and solids should not replace a full bottle or nursing session. This continues to be true for a baby’s entire first year. Set yourself up for success by responding to your baby’s hunger cues, offering the breast or bottle every 2.5- 3.5 hours during the day, and offering solids 30-90 minutes after breast/bottle feedings. 

I always recommend consulting with your pediatrician to determine the best feeding plan for your baby. You can also read about how solids can impact sleep in Do Solids Help Babies Sleep?.

What is the best bedtime for a 10 month old baby? anchor

I recommend bedtime between 7:00-8:00 pm for ten month olds, as this is typically the most effective time for helping babies fall asleep quickly and minimizing night wakings.

If your baby’s bedtime is outside of this range and sleeping well, there’s no need to change anything. However, at this age, babies who go to bed past 8:00 pm may experience more disrupted sleep. Moving bedtime before 8:00 pm can be helpful if your 10 month old is experiencing sleep struggles, like: 

Sometimes bedtime does need to shift earlier than 7:00 pm. You may want to consider an earlier bedtime if your 10 month old has a day in which:

  • All naps for the day are short and/or disrupted.

  • The last nap of the day is short or refused.

  • It has been at least 3 hours from the end of the last nap, and your baby is really struggling to make it to 7:00 pm. 

When thinking about bedtime for your ten month old, please know that having a predictable bedtime routine can be so helpful for bedtime success. 

How long should a 10 month old sleep at night? anchor

Our goal is that, in a 24-hour period, your ten month old baby is getting around 13-15 hours of total sleep. Typically, this is 10-12 hours of overnight sleep and about 2.5-3.5 hours of daytime sleep (divided between 2 naps). Babies who are on the higher end of the range for night sleep are often on the lower end of the range for daytime sleep and vice versa. 

Is there a 10 month sleep regression? anchor

Yes, it’s common to see some changes in a baby’s sleep around 10 months. The major developmental progressions at this age often impact sleep. Please know that the best way to minimize the disruptions that come with the 10 month sleep regression is through consistency with your approach to sleep. Introducing new habits or making any major changes to your baby’s routine can take a small bump in the road and turn it into an ongoing sleep struggle.

Why does my 10 month old keep waking up at night? anchor

If your 10 month old is suddenly waking at night when this was not previously an issue, please be sure to rule out any physical concerns like sickness or teething

It’s also possible your ten month old is learning object permanence and experiencing separation anxiety. When separation anxiety is heightened, we can see new sleep behaviors, like crying at bedtime and sudden difficulty falling back to sleep. 

Your 10 month old may also be more distracted during feedings as they are noticing so many new and exciting things in the world around them! Try to minimize stimulation during feeding times to encourage your baby to take in enough daytime calories, which are so important for night sleep.

Read Why Won't My Baby Sleeping Through the Night?  to learn several other reasons why your ten month old may be struggling.

If sleep has always been a challenge for your ten month old, they may not have the skills needed to sleep independently. My 5-24 Month Collection will give you a holistic approach to teaching your little one to sleep through the night while still providing emotionally-connected reassurance. Let me guide you through a step-by-step plan to get to restful nights for both you and your baby.

My baby is standing in the crib and won’t go to sleep. What can I do? anchor

New skills are developing so quickly at this age! Babies often want to practice pulling up and standing instead of sleeping. If this is what you're seeing, check out my best tips for babies who are standing in the crib! While you're at it, be sure your crib mattress is at its lowest setting for safe sleep.

Bonus Tip: Very rarely, not wanting to lay down for sleep can be a sign of an ear infection. If you’re seeing any other signs of an ear infection (like congestion, runny nose, irritability), you may want to take a quick trip to your pediatrician.

Can I sleep train a 10 month old? anchor

Yes! Developmentally, your ten month old is capable of learning how to sleep independently. I truly believe that if what you’re doing is safe and works for your family, there’s no need to make any changes. However, if your ten month old is struggling with sleep and you are considering sleep training, please know that it’s never too late.

If you decide that sleep training is the best choice for your family, having a plan you can trust is so important. My 5-24 Month Collection includes a completely customizable and holistic sleep training plan to help your baby sleep independently for 10-12 hours each night and two solid naps each day. These classes will give you the tools to have a great little sleeper.

Still have a 9 month old? Check out 9 month sleep schedules. Already have a 11 month old? I've got you covered with my 11 month old sleep schedules

Are you ready to have a great little sleeper?

If you're overwhelmed, exhausted, or just not sure where to start. I was there too. Let me show you everything you need to confidently handle sleep so your whole family can thrive!

Select your child's age to get started:

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