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Toddler Sleep Training

An online class to help you teach your 2, 3, or 4 year old to sleep independently while remaining emotionally connected

African American mother reading a bedtime story to her daughter seated in her lap

Toddler Sleep Training

Let me walk you step-by-step through a completely customizable, holistic plan for independent sleep at night, consistent naps or quiet times, and every new stage along your toddler sleep journey.

Toddler Sleep Training will give you:

  • Tools to keep you emotionally connected to your child as they learn independent sleep

  • Techniques for preparing your child for the best sleep possible

  • Strategies for preventing bedtime battles

  • Detailed help through toddler naps and quiet time

  • Teaching on your child’s new developmental stage

  • Additional support through specific struggles, transitions, and new stages like bedtime fears, potty training, night weaning, adding a sibling, and moving out of the crib

View pricing

Cara Dumaplin speaking in a video playing on a mobile device

On-Demand Video

This class is broken down into easy-to-watch segments so that you can follow along at your own pace.

Watch For Free

I want you to have the strategies you need to navigate sleep with your 2, 3, or 4-year-old so that your whole family can thrive. Let me teach you a holistic and fully customizable plan to help your toddler sleep independently.

Cara Dumaplin

Founder of Taking Cara Babies

An Approach Proven to Work

Taking Cara Babies resources combine the expertise of a pediatric nurse and the heart of a mama.

Research & Evidence Based

Feel confident that you’re using strategies affirmed by peer-reviewed research, pediatricians, and experts worldwide.

Emotionally Connected

Your 2, 3, or 4-year-old will be loved, supported, and emotionally connected to you while learning sleep skills vital to proper growth and development.

Flexible & Customizable

Your toddler is unique and so are you! I’ll teach you how to customize your sleep plan for nights, naps, and quiet time so that it fits your family’s heart, lifestyle, and priorities.

An Easy-to-Use Approach

Let me walk you step-by-step through your journey so that you can rest easy knowing exactly what comes next all the way until your child’s 5th birthday.

Simple no-tricks pricing

All Taking Cara Babies classes are covered by our 30-day, money-back guarantee.

Toddler Sleep Training

This online course will walk you step-by-step through a completely customizable, holistic plan for your toddler's nights, days, and every stage along your sleep journey.

What's included

  • Video-based teaching so you can see how to use what you learn

  • Evidence-based strategies and practical tools you can begin using right away

  • On-demand access that never expires, to make sure you always have the help you need

  • Sample schedules, checklists & workbook pages so that you can set your child up for the best sleep & track your progress

$ 199 USD

Want to add more support? Get a discounted phone consultation with one of the expert sleep consultants on my team!

Purchase Toddler Sleep Training Plus for $269

Common Questions

Here’s the thing about children as they grow: they also change. And each new developmental stage brings something different. What worked before, likely doesn’t anymore. The strategies that made sense for your little one before age 2 or 2.5, simply don’t make sense after. Your toddler has become more independent with a mind of their own.

My Toddler Sleep Training class will meet your family right where you are and give you brand new sleep strategies to carry your child through their 5th birthday—and beyond.

What you learn in this class also extends far beyond sleep. Because so much of toddler sleep is actually about parenting and behavior, the takeaways, techniques, and understanding you’ll gain from this class will serve your relationship with your child for years to come.

Please know, this isn't just a class you'll watch and move past. It's a class you’ll keep coming back to for strategies to guide you through twists, turns, and new stages until your child turns 5 (and truly even past that).

Toddler Sleep Training is designed to give you everything you need to have a great sleeper no matter your situation. It will help you whether:

  • your toddler just turned 2 or is nearly 5
  • you have one toddler or multiple toddlers
  • your child is in daycare, is in preschool, or is with you all day
  • your toddler sleeps in a crib, a Montessori bed, or a “big-kid” bed
  • your toddler sleeps in his own room or she shares a room with a sibling
  • your child is already potty trained, or you haven’t even thought about potty training
  • your toddler needs a pacifier to sleep or has never used one
  • you have taken other Taking Cara Babies classes or you haven’t taken any

Yes, it even applies if:

  • you’ve tried other sleep training approaches
  • you’re not actually comfortable with “traditional” sleep training
  • you want a gradual approach to help your toddler sleep
  • your toddler is very strong-willed
  • your toddler is still nursing
  • your child has never slept independently before

Toddler Sleep Training comes with on-demand access that never expires so that you have it now and for every transition, every regression, and every new stage along your journey.

(The only way you'd lose access to your account is by sharing it with other families.)

We’re happy to help! Simply email us through our contact form.
