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Evidence-Based Practice in Baby Sleep

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A headshot of Cara Dumaplin

Article by:

Cara Dumaplin

RN, BSN, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

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If you’ve been here awhile, you’ve probably heard me talk about evidence-based research or evidence-based practice. Maybe you’re wondering what that means, especially what it means when we think about how to handle baby sleep. Let me tell you.

Evidence-based practice is a combination of three things: evidence-based research, clinical experience, and the personal priorities and experience of a family.

You’ll find evidence-based practice in everything Taking Cara Babies offers: my classes, phone consultations, social media, truly any way you interact with me or anyone on the Taking Cara Babies team. 

Let me dive in a little more. 

What is evidence-based research?anchor

Evidence-based research refers to studies published in peer-reviewed journals. The tips and tools in my classes are all aligned with current research. That means that they're also constantly evolving as we learn more and more.

What do you mean by clinical experience? anchor

Clinical experience is the expertise that comes from applying research over time with real people and seeing the results. 

Let me share a little bit about my clinical experience with you. I’ve spent years caring for new parents and their babies working as a nurse in the Neonatal ICU, in Labor and Delivery, in Postpartum Care, and in an OB-GYN office. I’ve also worked with thousands of families to help them confidently care for their babies and truly understand infant sleep. In my work, I've seen the struggles and successes of families in both the healthcare setting and in sleep education. Through these experiences, I’ve been able to refine my recommendations and techniques based on that experience. 

Now, let me tell you about my team and their clinical experience. It’s truly so impressive. My team is made up of certified sleep consultants who have years of experience in baby sleep, education, psychology, and social work. I have teachers, lactation consultants, a child life specialist, developmental specialists, nurses, and so many more amazing professionals. Their individual experiences and expertise in baby sleep make them amazing resources to me as I develop and update my classes AND to you as you interact with them as well. One more thing? They’re also moms who have traveled the road of baby sleep with their own families. Their hearts as mamas are in everything they do. 

How does Taking Cara Babies consider my family’s priorities?anchor

Nobody in the world knows that baby better than you. You are the expert on your baby. Your family may also have unique priorities and life considerations. My classes and my team of sleep consultants use what you know and care about most as a family to help you on your sleep journey. 

Why does this matter when it comes to baby sleep?anchor

Great question! When we're talking about helping your baby build those sleep skills, my classes meet your baby right where she is developmentally. I’m using the most updated research, my heart as a mom, my clinical experience as a nurse and baby sleep expert, and your expertise as your baby’s parent to help you customize a plan for your family and thrive in parenting and baby sleep. 

I want you to know that when you purchase my classes, interact with me on social media, or book a phone consultation, Taking Cara Babies is using the best tools out there to help you and your family. 

Are you ready to have a great little sleeper?

If you're overwhelmed, exhausted, or just not sure where to start. I was there too. Let me show you everything you need to confidently handle sleep so your whole family can thrive!

Select your child's age to get started:

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