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Getting Back on Track with Baby Sleep After the Holidays

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A headshot of Cara Dumaplin

Article by:

Cara Dumaplin

RN, BSN, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

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mom and baby getting back on track with baby sleep after the holidays

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The holidays are nearing an end. And now you’re home and ready to jump into your normal routine. There’s just one problem: You have a little one whose sleep routine is all out of sorts. Let’s talk about getting back on track with baby sleep after the holidays.

Don’t panic! Getting a little (or even a lot) off track happens when you travel or when family visits over the holidays. Baby sleep isn’t the first priority, and that’s okay! Maybe naps were on-the-go or off schedule. Perhaps grandma snuggled and rocked your baby to sleep. It’s possible bedtime was later or night sleep started in the car. You may have even seen your normally great nights and naps begin to fall apart a bit.

Here are tips to help you get back on track with baby sleep after the holidays: anchor

1. What happens over the holidays stays with the holidays.anchor

We don’t bring new habits home with us! ⁣Instead, go right back to your consistent habits and routines. No matter what nights and naps looked like over the holidays, jump right back to your NORMAL approach! ⁣

For example:

Up before dawn—nope! ⁣

Only napping in the stroller—hello crib! ⁣

Feeding to sleep at bedtime—done with that!⁣

2. Return to your flexible routine.anchor

Start your day at 6:00-7:30 am to help your baby’s body adjust. Watch those wake windows carefully and prioritize consistent naps. If your baby is awake prior to 6:00 am, make the needed adjustments for those early morning wakings.

3. Be sure to get active awake time!anchor

Aim for plenty of active floor play. Think rolling, crawling, scooting, and walking. Give your baby a chance to move that little body. What you do during awake time really does impact nights and naps.

Want help filling your wake windows?
Get my free download filled with Daytime Tips for Better Nights and Naps

4. Use daylight to your advantage.anchor

Natural light helps reset that internal clock and promotes good night sleep. If possible, go outside, even for a few minutes. If this simply isn’t possible, open up those blinds and turn on the lights. ⁣(Light is especially important if you’re adjusting back to your home time zone.)

5. Know that your great little sleeper will be back soon!anchor

Truly, for most great sleepers, just a few consistent days and nights is all it takes to get back on track!⁣ If you have The 5–24 Month Collection, be sure to go check out your Bumps Along the Way video called “Getting Back on Track.”

If baby sleep has always been tough, I have classes to help! ⁣The 5–24 Month Collection will help you have consolidated 10-12 hour nights in the crib, solid naps, and give you step-by-step guidance anytime sleep gets derailed. For babies under 5 months, my First Five Months Bundle will help you with baby sleep strategies that will meet your baby exactly where he is developmentally and help you lay a healthy sleep foundation starting right now.

If you have a 2, 3, or 4 year old, my Toddler Sleep Training class will give you the tools you need to meet your toddler where they are developmentally and help create a great sleeper.

My hope for you is that the holidays can be a time you truly treasure, that no matter what happens on vacation, you never need to stress about baby sleep. 

Are you ready to have a great little sleeper?

If you're overwhelmed, exhausted, or just not sure where to start. I was there too. Let me show you everything you need to confidently handle sleep so your whole family can thrive!

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